For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

Debit or credit card purchases with Visa and Mastercard
You can instantly purchase a range of cryptocurrencies using your Visa and Mastercard.
Withdrawal hold
As a security precaution, withdrawals in any currency of up to 100% of your first debit or credit card purchase will be locked for 72 hours. This means that if your first debit or credit card purchase was $1,000, you will not be able to withdraw the equivalent of $1,000 in either cash or crypto for the following 72 hours. Additional debit or credit card purchases made during this 72 hours will also be locked for the remainder of the 72 hours. 
For enhanced security, debit and credit card purchases using USD may experience the 72 hour lock discussed above on all purchases, not just your first purchase.
Fees and limits
Important information
Why does Kraken need my consent to store my card details?
Failed or declined transactions
Explanation of 3D Secure (3DS)
Supported regions
The decimal and thousands separators shown in this article may differ from the formats displayed on our trading platforms. Review our article on how we use points and commas for more information.