For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

How to export your account history
Below are instructions detailing how to export your account history. Note: our Support team is not able to place or download history export requests on your behalf.
If you require specialized account documentation, such as account details, balances, and more, please fill out this form. Our specialists will carefully review your request and provide support via email.
The steps below are for clients using the Kraken interface.

For Kraken Pro instructions visit this article.
  1. 1
    On the homepage of your account click on Transactions.
  2. 2
    You will then be taken to the History tab. In the middle, under Transactions(1), you can filter your export for a certain date range, specific assets, and types of transactions.
    Once you've set your filters, click on the Export(2) button found on the right hand side. 
  3. 3
    Next, in the Export transactions box, select CSV,PDF, or TSV file by clicking Generate. This will be the file type your account history is exported as. .
  4. 4
    Your report is now queued and will process shortly. Once a report has processed, it will display a download arrow on the right hand side. Click this to download the file onto your computer.

Kraken Classic steps:

  1. 1
    Navigate to the Export page 
    - Click on the History tab once signed into your Kraken account
    - Then click on the Export tab
    Alternatively, you may export your account history via API.
  2. 2
    Select your export options
    There are three things you'll need to choose:
    - Trades vs Ledgers
    - All fields (deselection of fields are optional)
    - Date Period (Start and End)
    Trades vs Ledger
    Trades exports focus on the execution details of non-margin and margin trades. Ledger exports focus on changes to account balances. They include deposits, withdrawals, fees, trading profits and losses and exchanges of one currency for another. For more details, read our article on ledger vs trades data. Note: It is not possible to directly export your Order history, but you can easily piece it together by exporting your Trades history.
  3. 4
    Once your request goes from "Queued" to "Processed", you can download it to your computer.
    Note: we currently do not send an email notification when your export file is ready for download. You'll need to manually check.

Additional Resources

For more information about accessing and analyzing your ledger and trade history, take a look at the links below:
To download your Futures account history, from the Futures platform navigate to "Logs" in the sidebar and click "Download All" at the bottom of the page.
For information on interpreting the logs see this article.