For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

Canadian Account Statements
In light of Canadian regulatory requirements, Kraken must provide Canadian clients with a monthly account statement.
What does this mean for me?
As of August 2023, Canadian clients will be able to download account statements relating to activity in their Kraken account on a monthly basis.
  • In the beginning of August 2023, clients will receive monthly statements for June 2023 and July 2023.
  • Every month thereafter, clients will receive the account statement for the prior month.
Where do I find these account statements?
Your monthly account statements can be found on Kraken’s Web platform, as described below:
On the Kraken interface, you can find the account statements by:
  1. 1
    Clicking on your Account in the top right hand corner
    The Account button in the top right hand corner
  2. 2
    Clicking on the Documents menu item
  3. 3
    Scrolling down to the Statements section of that page
    The Statements section of the account page

On the Kraken Pro interface, you can find account statements by:
  1. 1
    Clicking on your Name in the top right hand corner.
    Clicking your name in Kraken Pro
  2. 2
    Clicking on the Account Statements menu item.
    The Account Statements menu of Kraken Pro
You will need to disable Global Settings Lock (GSL) if enabled before you can download account statements.
What is included in the account statements?
The account statement contains two sections:
A summary of your cash and cryptocurrency holdings, which includes:
  • The name of the fiat currency or crypto asset
  • The symbol of the fiat currency or crypto asset
  • The balance of the fiat currency or crypto asset in its native amount
  • The balance of the fiat currency or crypto asset in Canadian dollars
A summary of transactions in your account, which includes:
  • The date of the transaction
  • The type of movement: The full list of transaction types and what they mean can be found in this support article
  • The name of the asset
  • The symbol of the asset
  • The amount of the asset that was transacted
  • The price of the asset, in Canadian dollars, at the time of the transaction
  • The transaction fee
  • The value of the transaction in Canadian dollar