Futures Platform Parameters Changelog
Below you can find sections with details on all the platform parameters updated on the date of the title.
Click below to expand each section:
12th August 2024
Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New FF_ETHUSD_240830 0.09 0.35 FF_ETHUSD_240927 0.09 0.35 FF_SOLUSD_240830 2 6 FF_SOLUSD_240927 2 6 FF_XBTUSD_240830 0.01 0.015 FF_XBTUSD_240927 0.01 0.015 FF_XBTUSD_241227 0.01 0.015 PF_1INCHUSD 400 3200 PF_AAVEUSD 1.85 9.25 PF_ACHUSD 6000 48000 PF_ADAUSD 350 2450 PF_AEVOUSD 125 2500 PF_AGLDUSD 160 1120 PF_ALGOUSD 900 7200 PF_ALICEUSD 130 1040 PF_ALPHAUSD 1300 15600 PF_ALTUSD 300 9000 PF_ANKRUSD 5250 36750 PF_APEUSD 75 1500 PF_API3USD 40 600 PF_APTUSD 20 160 PF_ARBUSD 110 1650 PF_ARKMUSD 40 800 PF_ARPAUSD 2000 26000 PF_ARUSD 3 39 PF_ASTRUSD 1200 14400 PF_ATOMUSD 15 180 PF_AUDIOUSD 700 7700 PF_AVAXUSD 5 40 PF_AXSUSD 25 175 PF_BADGERUSD 30 360 PF_BAKEUSD 400 2800 PF_BALUSD 30 450 PF_BANDUSD 75 825 PF_BATUSD 600 5400 PF_BBUSD 250 2750 PF_BCHUSD 1 2.5 PF_BEAMUSD 5000 65000 PF_BICOUSD 250 3750 PF_BIGTIMEUSD 1000 11000 PF_BLURUSD 550 6050 PF_BLZUSD 400 6400 PF_BNBUSD 0.5 2 PF_BNTUSD 200 1800 PF_BNXUSD 70 700 PF_BOMEUSD 10000 120000 PF_BONDUSD 50 450 PF_BONKUSD 10000000 40000000 PF_BRETTUSD 1000 9000 PF_C98USD 400 6800 PF_CFXUSD 600 6600 PF_CHRUSD 400 5200 PF_CHZUSD 1700 17000 PF_CLOUDUSD 500 5500 PF_COMPUSD 2.75 22 PF_COREUSD 100 800 PF_COTIUSD 1000 11000 PF_CRVUSD 225 3600 PF_CTSIUSD 500 6500 PF_CVXUSD 33 396 PF_DASHUSD 4 36 PF_DOGEUSD 2000 8000 PF_DOTUSD 20 180 PF_DRIFTUSD 250 2500 PF_DYDXUSD 50 800 PF_DYMUSD 30 600 PF_EGLDUSD 4 32 PF_ENAUSD 100 3000 PF_ENJUSD 450 5850 PF_ENSUSD 14 42 PF_EOSUSD 170 1870 PF_ETCUSD 5.5 44 PF_ETHBTCUSD 2000 22000 PF_ETHFIUSD 30 600 PF_ETHUSD 0.09 0.35 PF_ETHWUSD 75 450 PF_FILUSD 25 250 PF_FLOKIUSD 500000 6500000 PF_FLOWUSD 230 1610 PF_FLRUSD 9000 54000 PF_FTMUSD 600 3000 PF_FXSUSD 20 480 PF_GALAUSD 6000 54000 PF_GLMRUSD 450 5400 PF_GMTUSD 650 7800 PF_GMXUSD 3 39 PF_GRTUSD 1700 6800 PF_GTCUSD 120 1440 PF_HBARUSD 1500 16500 PF_HFTUSD 300 6000 PF_HIGHUSD 75 675 PF_HNTUSD 30 150 PF_ICPUSD 15 120 PF_ICXUSD 650 7150 PF_IMXUSD 150 750 PF_INJUSD 10 50 PF_JASMYUSD 20000 40000 PF_JTOUSD 70 350 PF_JUPUSD 200 1000 PF_KASUSD 1000 5000 PF_KAVAUSD 160 2560 PF_KEYUSD 25000 200000 PF_KNCUSD 175 2100 PF_KSMUSD 5 55 PF_L3USD 1000 17000 PF_LDOUSD 50 800 PF_LINAUSD 15000 195000 PF_LINKUSD 15 75 PF_LPTUSD 20 80 PF_LRCUSD 600 7200 PF_LSKUSD 80 960 PF_LTCUSD 1.5 15 PF_LUNA2USD 180 2700 PF_MANAUSD 275 3300 PF_MANTAUSD 150 1200 PF_MASKUSD 40 480 PF_MATICUSD 180 2160 PF_MAVIAUSD 50 600 PF_MEWUSD 25000 150000 PF_MINAUSD 270 2160 PF_MKRUSD 0.15 0.45 PF_MNTUSD 150 1500 PF_MOVRUSD 8 104 PF_MTLUSD 100 900 PF_MYROUSD 800 9600 PF_NEARUSD 90 250 PF_NEOUSD 10 90 PF_NMRUSD 8 72 PF_NOTUSD 8000 80000 PF_NTRNUSD 250 2250 PF_OGNUSD 2000 12000 PF_OMGUSD 220 3520 PF_OMUSD 100 900 PF_ONDOUSD 120 1200 PF_OPUSD 60 660 PF_ORDIUSD 2 32 PF_PAXGUSD 0.05 0.35 PF_PENDLEUSD 20 320 PF_PEOPLEUSD 1000 15000 PF_PEPEUSD 60000000 100000000 PF_PERPUSD 100 1600 PF_PIXELUSD 200 6000 PF_POPCATUSD 500 1500 PF_PORTALUSD 200 3200 PF_POWRUSD 350 4200 PF_PYTHUSD 400 3200 PF_QNTUSD 1 13 PF_QTUMUSD 50 400 PF_RADUSD 80 880 PF_RATSUSD 1250000 10000000 PF_RENDERUSD 20 180 PF_RENUSD 2200 24200 PF_REZUSD 1500 18000 PF_RLCUSD 85 595 PF_RUNEUSD 50 250 PF_SAGAUSD 40 680 PF_SANDUSD 330 3630 PF_SATSUSD 500000000 3500000000 PF_SCUSD 40000 200000 PF_SEIUSD 200 3000 PF_SHIBUSD 12500000 62500000 PF_SNXUSD 60 720 PF_SOLUSD 2 6 PF_SPELLUSD 100000 1600000 PF_STEEMUSD 600 5400 PF_STGUSD 175 2800 PF_STORJUSD 450 2250 PF_STRKUSD 100 2400 PF_STXUSD 170 680 PF_SUIUSD 200 1000 PF_SUPERUSD 100 1700 PF_SUSHIUSD 180 1440 PF_SWEATUSD 20000 140000 PF_SXPUSD 300 3900 PF_TAOUSD 0.4 2.8 PF_THETAUSD 160 800 PF_TIAUSD 20 160 PF_TLMUSD 5000 100000 PF_TNSRUSD 75 2250 PF_TOKENUSD 1500 12000 PF_TONUSD 20 140 PF_TRBUSD 1.5 16.5 PF_TRUUSD 1000 10000 PF_TRXUSD 2000 6000 PF_TURBOUSD 15000 225000 PF_TUSD 3000 45000 PF_TUSDUSD 100 900 PF_ULTIUSD 6000 48000 PF_UMAUSD 30 390 PF_UNFIUSD 25 325 PF_UNIUSD 20 140 PF_USDCUSD 100 900 PF_USDTUSD 100 900 PF_WAVESUSD 65 780 PF_WENUSD 500000 10000000 PF_WIFUSD 200 500 PF_WLDUSD 100 500 PF_WOOUSD 500 6000 PF_WUSD 150 4500 PF_XAIUSD 300 3900 PF_XBTUSD 0.01 0.015 PF_XLMUSD 1200 8400 PF_XMRUSD 0.75 6 PF_XRPUSD 285 1425 PF_XTZUSD 150 1200 PF_YFIUSD 0.02 0.16 PF_YGGUSD 80 2400 PF_ZECUSD 5 25 PF_ZETAUSD 70 1680 PF_ZEUSUSD 600 4200 PF_ZKUSD 800 8000 PF_ZROUSD 25 250 PF_ZRXUSD 600 3000
5th June 2024
Update Margin Class for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_PEPEUSD Class C Class B PF_TUSDUSD Class C Class D
Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_JASMYUSD 30,000 20,000 PF_DYMUSD 15 30 PF_WUSD 80 150 PF_SAGAUSD 20 40 PF_STRKUSD 50 100 PF_HNTUSD 15 30 PF_SEIUSD 120 200 PF_BLZUSD 250 400 PF_UMAUSD 20 30 PF_BADGERUSD 15 30 PF_NEOUSD 5 10
20th May 2024
PF_LSKUSD index constituents have been updated to Binance, HitBTC, OKX. See Index Constituents.
13th May 2024
PF_PAXGUSD index constituents have been updated to Gemini, Kraken, Itbit. See Index Constituents.
8th May 2024
Update Max Position Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_SEIUSD 2,000,000 5,000,000 PF_HNTUSD 200,000 500,000 PF_BADGERUSD 250,000 700,000 PF_KSMUSD 35,000 100,000 PF_BLURUSD 2,500,000 7,000,000 PF_SAGAUSD 300,000 800,000 PF_BLZUSD 2,500,000 7,000,000 PF_YGGUSD 1,000,000 3,000,000 PF_DYMUSD 250,000 1,000,000 PF_LINAUSD 100,000,000 300,000,000 PF_UMAUSD 300,000 1,000,000 PF_WUSD 1,000,000 4,000,000 PF_KAVAUSD 7,000,000 10,000,000 PF_APTUSD 500,000 750,000 PF_GMTUSD 20,000,000 30,000,000 PF_SANDUSD 10,000,000 15,000,000 PF_KASUSD 40,000,000 60,000,000 PF_BNBUSD 40,000 50,000 PF_ADAUSD 50,000,000 60,000,000 PF_UNIUSD 3,000,000 3,500,000 PF_MATICUSD 30,000,000 35,000,000 PF_DOTUSD 3,000,000 3,500,000 PF_AVAXUSD 500,000 700,000 PF_FILUSD 3,000,000 4,000,000 PF_XMRUSD 120,000 200,000 PF_EOSUSD 15,000,000 25,000,000 PF_SHIBUSD 500,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 PF_ARBUSD 10,000,000 20,000,000
1st May 2024
Class A - E margin schedules have been updated:
Previous Margin Schedule:
Category | Level I | Level II | Level III | Level IV | Level V | Level VI | Level VII |
Class A | 0 - $500,000 | $500,000 - $2,000,000 | - | $2,000,000 - $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 - $30,000,000 | $30,000,000+ |
Class B | 0 - $250,000 | $250,000 - $500,000 | - | $500,000 - $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 - $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 | $10,000,000+ |
Class C | - | 0 - $250,000 | - | $250,000 - $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 | - | $2,000,000+ |
Class D | - | - | 0 - $10,000 | $10,000 - $250,000 | - | $250,000 - $1,250,000 | $1,250,000+ |
Class E | - | - | - | 0 - $10,000 | $10,000 - $100,000 | $100,000 - $750,000 | $750,000+ |
Leverage | 50x | 25x | 20x | 10x | 5x | 3.33x | 2x |
IM | 2% | 4% | 5% | 10% | 20% | 30% | 50% |
MM | 1% | 2% | 2.50% | 5% | 10% | 15% | 25% |
New Margin Schedule:
Category | Level I | Level II | Level III | Level IV | Level V | Level VI | Level VII |
Class A | 0 - $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 - $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 - $20,000,000 | $20,000,000 - $60,000,000 | $60,000,000+ |
Class B | 0 - $250,000 | $250,000 - $750,000 | $750,000 - $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 - $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 - $30,000,000 | $30,000,000+ |
Class C | - | 0 - $250,000 | $250,000 - $500,000 | $500,000 - $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 - $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 - $5,000,000 | $5,000,000+ |
Class D | - | - | 0 - $10,000 | $10,000 - $250,000 | $250,000 - $500,000 | $500,000 - $2,000,000 | $2,000,000+ |
Class E | - | - | - | 0 - $10,000 | $10,000 - $100,000 | $100,000 - $1,000,000 | $1,000,000+ |
Leverage | 50x | 25x | 20x | 10x | 5x | 3.33x | 2x |
IM | 2% | 4% | 5% | 10% | 20% | 30% | 50% |
MM | 1% | 2% | 2.50% | 5% | 10% | 15% | 25% |
- Update Max Position Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_DOGEUSD 150,000,000 200,000,000 PF_LINKUSD 1,400,000 2,000,000 PF_SOLUSD 120,000 200,000 PF_LTCUSD 200,000 300,000 PF_WIFUSD 5,000,000 8,000,000 PF_INJUSD 500,000 1,000,000 PF_BNBUSD 20,000 40,000 PF_MATICUSD 14,000,000 30,000,000 PF_UNIUSD 1,000,000 3,000,000 PF_DOTUSD 1,000,000 3,000,000 PF_XRPUSD 10,000,000 50,000,000 PF_ATOMUSD 600,000 3,000,000 PF_ADAUSD 10,000,000 50,000,000 PF_AVAXUSD 120,000 500,000 PF_XMRUSD 30,000 120,000 PF_FILUSD 500,000 3,000,000 PF_SHIBUSD 100,000,000,000 500,000,000,000 PF_EOSUSD 3,000,000 15,000,000 PF_ARBUSD 2,000,000 10,000,000 PF_XLMUSD 60,000,000 70,000,000 PF_STXUSD 2,500,000 3,000,000 PF_THETAUSD 2,500,000 3,000,000 PF_SNXUSD 2,000,000 2,200,000 PF_ICPUSD 400,000 500,000 PF_TIAUSD 500,000 700,000 PF_WLDUSD 1,000,000 1,500,000 PF_AAVEUSD 50,000 60,000 PF_DYDXUSD 2,000,000 2,500,000 PF_GALAUSD 75,000,000 120,000,000 PF_MANAUSD 7,500,000 12,000,000 PF_ETCUSD 125,000 200,000 PF_MASKUSD 850,000 1,500,000 PF_ENSUSD 200,000 400,000 PF_KASUSD 20,000,000 40,000,000 PF_LDOUSD 1,200,000 2,500,000 PF_SANDUSD 5,000,000 10,000,000 PF_CRVUSD 5,000,000 12,000,000 PF_TUSDUSD 2,000,000 5,000,000 PF_USDCUSD 2,000,000 5,000,000 PF_USDTUSD 2,000,000 5,000,000 PF_APTUSD 200,000 500,000 PF_SUIUSD 1,500,000 5,000,000 PF_API3USD 700,000 2,000,000 PF_AXSUSD 225,000 700,000 PF_APEUSD 1,250,000 4,000,000 PF_GMTUSD 5,000,000 20,000,000 PF_STRKUSD 1,000,000 4,000,000 PF_KAVAUSD 1,500,000 7,000,000
5th April 2024
- Update Margin Class from Class D to Class C for PF_PEPEUSD
- Update Margin Class from Class C to Class B for PF_WIFUSD & PF_SHIBUSD
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_FETUSD 400 200 PF_PEPEUSD 125,000,000 60,000,000 PF_WIFUSD 500 200
- Update Max Position Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_LUNA2USD 300,000 1,000,000 PF_ETHWUSD 200,000 300,000
6th March 2024
- Margin Schedule for Class D, E, F and G have been expanded with lower margin requirements on a position’s first $10,000. See Multi-Collateral Futures Margin Schedule & Maximum Leverage
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class E to Class D:
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class D to Class C:
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class C to Class B:
- Update index constituents for 7 indices:
22nd February 2024
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class D to Class C:
20th February 2024
- Change PF_DYDXUSD index constituents from [Kraken, Binance, Hitbtc, OKX] to [Kraken, Binance, Hitbtc]
9th February 2024
- Update Margin Class from Class D to Class C for PF_ENSUSD
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_IMXUSD 250 150 PF_RUNEUSD 100 50 PF_ICPUSD 32 15 PF_SOLUSD 4 2 PF_AVAXUSD 11 5 PF_OPUSD 115 60
31st January 2024
- Update Margin Class from Class D to Class C for PF_SUIUSD
12th January 2024
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class D to Class C.
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class E to Class D.
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_BONKUSD 6,000,000 10,000,000 PF_JTOUSD 50 70 PF_LINAUSD 9,000 15,000 PF_PYTHUSD 250 400 PF_ZECUSD 4 5 PF_INJUSD 20 10 PF_SOLUSD 8 4
26th December 2023
- Update Margin Class for the following contracts from Class D to Class C.
12th December 2023
- Change PF_ENJUSD index constituents from [Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Bitstamp, Hitbtc] to [Gateio, OKX, Binance, Kucoin]
- Add Bybit to the index constituents of PF_BNBUSD. Updated constituents list is [Huobi, Bybit, OKX, Binance]
- Change the minimum profitability of MC assignments from 0.5% to 0.75%. Full EPP process here
24th November 2023
- Change PF_OGNUSD Max Relative Funding Rate from 0.005 to 0.0025
- PF_BCHUSD margin class will change from Class B to Class C
7th November 2023
Kraken Fee Credits (FEE) can now be used to pay for multi-collateral futures trading fees.
If you have a spot balance of FEE, it can be transferred to your futures wallet. Any FEE balance in the multi-collateral futures wallet will automatically be deducted in place of trading fees.
For more info, see:
6th October 2023
- PF_MKRUSD margin schedule will change from Class D to Class C
- Increase in maximum position size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_PEPEUSD 100,420,690,000 1,000,000,000,000 PF_LUNA2USD 150,000 300,000 PF_FLRUSD 5,000,000 30,000,000 PF_ETHWUSD 20,000 200,000 PF_BLURUSD 250,000 2,500,000 PF_APTUSD 50,000 200,000 PF_DASHUSD 50,000 70,000
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
1st October 2023
- PF_OGNUSD maximum permissible funding rate range increased from 0.25% to 0.5%
- PF_OGNUSD minimum initial margin increased from 10% to 20%.
15th September 2023
Update Settlement Rate methodology for FF_BTCUSD and FF_ETHUSD
New methodology:
- Take a 30 minute observation window of Real Time Index values before 8 UTC
- Split the window into 1 minute partitions
- Compute the average Real Time Index for each minute
- Compute the average of all 1 minute partitions to obtain the Settlement Rate
8th September 2023
- USDC and USDT collateral haircut change from 3% to 1%.
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
4th August 2023
- PF_XRPUSD margin schedule will change from Class C to Class B.
- PF_TUSDUSD margin schedule will change from Class D to Class C.
- PF_PEPEUSD margin schedule will change from Class E to Class D.
- XRP collateral haircut will change from 7.5% to 5%.
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_ALGOUSD 450 900 PF_GLMRUSD 300 450 PF_LUNA2USD 120 180 PF_FLRUSD 4500 7000 PF_BLURUSD 200 350 PF_CVXUSD 20 33 PF_RLCUSD 60 85 PF_SUIUSD 110 160
5th June 2023
- PF_APEUSD, PF_APTUSD, PF_GALAUSD and PF_SNXUSD margin schedule will change from Class D to Class C.
- PF_USDCUSD and PF_USDTUSD max position size will increase to $2,000,000.
- MATIC collateral haircut will decrease from 7.5% to 5%.
- Update Impact Mid Size for the following contracts:
Contract Previous New PF_1INCHUSD 200 300 PF_GMTUSD 275 400 PF_SUSHIUSD 90 120 PF_LPTUSD 15 20 PF_OMGUSD 100 140 PF_ENSUSD 7.5 10 PF_ALICEUSD 60 80 PF_THETAUSD 100 120 PF_ZECUSD 2.5 3.5 PF_FLOWUSD 90 140 PF_LUNA2USD 70 120 PF_FLRUSD 2500 4500 PF_ETHWUSD 30 50 PF_GMXUSD 1.5 2 PF_FETUSD 250 400 PF_STXUSD 110 170 PF_GALUSD 50 75 PF_ZRXUSD 350 450 PF_SUIUSD 60 110 PF_OCEANUSD 750 500 PF_RNDRUSD 90 70
2nd June 2023
Update index for PF_FILUSD to include Gemini as a constituent and exclude Bitfinex and Huobi as constituents
4th May 2023
- Change PF_APTUSD and PF_GALAUSD margin schedule from Class D to Class C.
- Add Tether EURt (EURT) as collateral.
- Update collateral haircuts to the following:
- EUR: 1%
- GBP: 1%
- USDC: 3%
- USDT: 3%
- EURT: 3%
- BTC: 3%
- ETH: 3%
- ADA: 5%
- DOGE: 5%
- LINK: 7.5%
- ATOM: 7.5%
- LTC: 7.5%
- MATIC: 7.5%
- DOT: 7.5%
- XRP: 7.5%
- SOL: 7.5%
- ARB: 10%
- FIL: 10%
14th April 2023
- Update indices for PF_XBTUSD, PF_ETHUSD & PF_LTCUSD to include Gemini as a constituent.
- Reason for change:
- The price difference threshold for exclusion from the index has been updated.
- 3% for BTC & ETH
- 5% for LTC
7th April 2023
- Change PF_SOLUSD margin class from Class C to Class B
- Increase interest rate to 0.005% per hour for unrealised losses over $30,000 not backed by USD
- Increase base conversion fee for non-cash and non-stablecoin collaterals from 0.25% to 0.5%
- Decrease auto-conversion trigger from 1,000,000 USD to 250,000 USD for unrealised losses not backed by USD
- Decrease auto-conversion target from 100,000 USD to 50,000 USD for unrealised losses not backed by USD
23rd March 2023
Decrease USDC conversion fee to 0.05% from 0.5%
13th March 2023
- Margin Category change from Class C to Class B: PF_ADAUSD PF_AVAXUSD PF_XMRUSD
- Margin Category change from Class D to Class C: PF_SOLUSD PF_USDCUSD PF_USDTUSD
- Margin Category change from Class E to Class D: PF_APTUSD
- Margin Category change from Class F to Class E: PF_ETHWUSD
- Impact mid size changes: PF_BLURUSD: Increase from 120 BLUR to 200 BLUR PF_OGNUSD: Decrease from 4,000 OGN to 2,000 OGN
- Max position size increase: PF_ETHWUSD: Increase from 10,000 to 20,000
12th March 2023
Multi-collateral contracts no longer referencing Gemini as a pricing source:
11th March 2023
- Increase USDC haircut from 1% to 5%
- Increase USDC conversion fee from 0.05% to 0.5%
20th February 2023
- Margin Category change from Class C to Class B: PF_UNIUSD PF_BCHUSD PF_EOSUSD PF_FILUSD
- Margin Category change from Class D to Class C: PF_FTMUSD PF_CRVUSD PF_TRXUSD PF_AAVEUSD
- Margin Category change from Class C to Class D: PF_XTZUSD PF_1INCHUSD PF_NEARUSD PF_WAVESUSD PF_DEFIUSD
- Decrease Impact Mid Size from 10,500 OGN to 4,000 OGN for PF_OGNUSD