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How to use a Cryptowatch layout on Kraken Pro
Using our customizable design, Kraken Pro users can now configure their layout to mimic the default configuration used on Cryptowatch.
A step-by-step guide to making Kraken Pro use a similar UI as Cryptowatch
  1. 1
    Start by resetting to the Advanced Layout on Kraken Pro.
  2. 2
    Drag-and-drop the Order form to the right-hand side of the Market chart.
  3. 3
    Drag-and-drop the Order book to the right-hand side of the Market chart
  4. 4
    Drag-and-drop the Market trades, to the bottom half of the Order book
  5. 5
    Resize the Order form and Order book widgets
  6. 6
    Use the Add widget menu to add a Depth chart to the Market chart panel
  7. 7
    Drag-and-drop the Depth chart widget, to the right-hand side of the Market chart
  8. 8
    Drag-and-drop the Market Favorites widget to the below half of the Depth chart
  9. 9
    Drag-and-drop the Balances pannel to the below half of the Market chart
  10. 10
    Resize any panels as needed to fit your display