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Clearing the cache of our mobile apps
If the Kraken or Kraken Pro app on your phone crashes or you experience other technical issues, it's likely due to an outdated cache.
Here's how you can clear your cache and storage to give your mobile app a fresh start:


On iPhones, the only way to clear an app's cache is to delete and reinstall the app.
See this Apple support article for instructions: How to delete apps on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Android phones

On Android phones, you can clear the cache and even storage without needing to delete the app itself.
  1. 1.
    Phone settings
    Open your phone settings and either search for the "Kraken" or "Kraken Pro" app settings directly or manually look them up via the "Apps and notifications" section.
    Option A: Search
    Option B: Recent apps
    Option C: 'All apps' list
  2. 2.
    App Settings
    Once you find the Kraken Pro app settings, select the "Storage & cache" option.
  3. 3.
    Clear cache
    Most technical issues can be solved by just clearing the cache.
  4. 4.
    Clear storage
    If clearing the cache didn't work, go back to the "Storage & cache" page and select the more thorough "Clear storage" option. This will revert your app back to a state as if it were newly installed.
  5. 5.
    Further troubleshootingIf none of these steps helped, try our other troubleshooting instructions.