If you have made a deposit of a cryptocurrency to your Kraken account that is missing or you cannot find, there may be several reasons why.
Below are some of the most common reasons that you should check:
- 1.Did you deposit the crypto using the correct network or token standard?
You may review supported networks for each crypto here.
- 2.Is the transaction for the deposit above the minimum deposit amount?
- 4.Was the deposit made to an expired address?
- 5.Has your deposit met the confirmation requirements?
- 6.Have you checked our status page for maintenance?
- 7.Did you deposit to the correct currency type? Example: Did you accidentally deposit Litecoin (LTC) to your Bitcoin (BTC) address?
- 8.Have you double checked the address you sent the funds to and ensured it’s one of your deposit addresses on Kraken?
- 9.Cryptocurrency deposits sent via PrivateSend, CoinJoin, or other obfuscation tools will not be credited and may be lost.
- 10.Are you running the latest wallet version?Example: A blockchain may upgrade via a hard-fork. If you are running an outdated wallet client you may make a deposit that sends the funds on the old chain but since it isn’t on the updated chain the funds never arrive. This has happened a few times with cryptocurrencies such as Monero (XMR) that has carried out protocol upgrades via hard forks a couple of times in the last few years.
If after checking the above you are still unsure as to why your deposit is missing, contact our Support team.