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What is the Global Settings Lock (GSL)?
The Global Settings Lock (GSL), when enabled, acts as the last line of defense if your sign-in password and sign-in 2FA are compromised.
The GSL:
  1. 1.
    Prevents changes being made to your Kraken account.
  2. 2.
    Hides sensitive account information.
You will also be notified via email of any attempted unlock of the GSL on your account. Depending on your settings, a GSL unlock without a Master Key takes a minimum of 24 hours (or up to 30 days). This gives you time to take action in the event of a compromise.

Frequently asked questions

Who should use the Global Settings Lock?
How does the Global Settings Lock work?
What information is affected?
What actions are affected?
How can the GSL protect your account?