For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

Não consigo acessar minha conta!
If you can't sign in to your account and our status page is showing that our services are operational, this could mean that:
By clicking on the purple links above, you will most likely find a solution to troubleshoot your issue.
If you see the message: ''We have temporarily disabled access to your account, please contact Support'', or if none of these topics apply to your situation, please submit a support request so our Support team can assist you.
For more detailed steps and common questions, review the topics below.
These steps are for web only. If you need help signing into your account, via the Kraken app, please view our recovery steps for your account username and password.
Username recovery steps
Password reset steps
2FA recovery steps
Device approval steps
Why am I getting a "Session Invalid" message?