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Import a wallet from MetaMask
Importing your wallet allows you to use multiple different types of Web3 wallets and their services, keeping your assets together. There is no need to make a transaction from one wallet to another, as the same assets, information and history remain. The only difference is the platform used.
Kraken Wallet allows you to import one Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP) into the Kraken Wallet app. There's no limit on how many wallets you can import, so long as they are associated with the same SRP.
How to import from MetaMask
To import your MetaMask wallet to Kraken Wallet you will need your Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP). To obtain your SPR, visit MetaMask’s support page: How to reveal your Secret Recovery Phrase.
Once the SRP has been obtained:
  1. 1.
    Open the Kraken Wallet app.
  2. 2.
    In the Welcome page, select Import.
  3. 3.
    Enter the SRP exactly as it was was copied from the MetaMask wallet. You may type or paste the SRP.
  4. 4.
    Once the correct SRP is entered this will confirm the wallet has successfully been imported to the Kraken Wallet app.
IMPORTANT: Importing your wallet does not delete or remove the original wallet.
Always ensure that you are using official and secure methods when importing or recovering wallets to avoid potential security risks. Always be cautious about sharing or storing your Secret Recovery Phrase, as it grant access to your digital assets.