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Connect to dapps using WalletConnect
WalletConnect is a protocol that allows secure and trustless communication between decentralized applications (dapps) and Web3 wallets. This allows you to use the features in the selected dapp with your Kraken Wallet.
To avoid scams and phishing attempts, always verify the URL of the dapp you are connecting to and ensure it's the official website.
Never share your 12-24 word Secret Recovery Phrase with anyone, including dapps. WalletConnect does not require this information for connections.

How to use WalletConnect with Kraken Wallet

Connecting your Kraken Wallet to decentralized applications (dapps) is a relatively simple process that is easy to repeat. The exact steps and interface may vary slightly depending on the specific dapp you are using, but the general process remains consistent across most applications that support WalletConnect.
There are two main ways to connect to dapps with your Kraken Wallet via WalletConnect.
The connection flow for these two options are described below:
Option 1: Connecting to apps on mobile web browser
  1. 1.
    Visit the website of the dapp on your mobile web browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome).
    Ensure the dapp supports WalletConnect. Most dapps will have a WalletConnect integration option on their platform.
  2. 2.
    You should see an option to Connect wallet or similar. This is often found in the top right corner of websites. Tap this button to start the wallet connection process.
  3. 3.
    You'll likely then see several different wallet options (e.g. MetaMask). Tap the WalletConnect option.
  4. 4.
    A WalletConnect sheet will then appear. It will again show several default wallet options, but you should tap the QR code symbol.
  5. 5.
    A QR code will be displayed, with a copy icon in the top right corner. Tap this to copy the WalletConnect link.
    Scan the Code
  6. 6.
    Now open your Kraken Wallet mobile app. Tap the WalletConnect icon in the top right corner.
    KW WalletConnect
  7. 7.
    Tap the Paste address button to paste your WalletConnect link.
  8. 8.
    Your Kraken Wallet will then prompt you to review the connection details, including the dapp's name and type of access it is requesting.
  9. 9.
    If the details are correct and you trust the dapp, confirm the connection.
  10. 10.
    Once confirmed, your Kraken Wallet will be connected to the dapp.
Congrats! You can now use the dapp to interact with the blockchain via your Kraken Wallet. You may now be able to perform actions such as sending transactions, signing messages, and interacting with DeFi protocols or NFT marketplaces.
Option 2: Connecting to apps on desktop web browser
  1. 1.
    Visit the website of the dapp on a desktop web browser. (For example, you may use a web browser like Google Chrome on your laptop or desktop computer.)
    Ensure the dapp supports WalletConnect. Most dapps will have a WalletConnect integration option on their platform.
  2. 2.
    You'll likely see an option to Connect wallet or similar; this is typically found in the top right corner of dapps. Tap this button to start the wallet connection process.
  3. 3.
    You'll then typically see several different wallet options (e.g. MetaMask). Tap the WalletConnect option.
  4. 4.
    A QR code should be displayed on the screen. This QR code contains the necessary information to establish a connection with the dapp.
  5. 5.
    A QR code should display on the screen. This QR code contains the necessary information to establish a connection with the dapp.
    wallet connect
  6. 6.
    Now open your Kraken Wallet mobile app. Tap the WalletConnect icon in the top right corner.
  7. 7.
    Use your Kraken Wallet to scan the QR code displayed on the screen.
  8. 8.
    Your Kraken Wallet will then prompt you to review the connection details, including the dapp’s name and type of access it is requesting.
  9. 9.
    If the details are correct and you trust the dapp, confirm the connection.
  10. 10.
    Once confirmed your Kraken Wallet and the dapp will then be connected.
Congrats! You can now use the dapp to interact with the blockchain via your Kraken Wallet. You may now be able to perform actions such as sending transactions, signing messages, and interacting with DeFi protocols or NFT marketplaces.
How to disconnect Kraken Wallet from dapps

If you want to disconnect your Kraken Wallet from the dapp, you can usually find an option to do so within the dapp’s interface. Additionally, you can close the WalletConnect session from your Kraken wallet itself by following these steps:
  1. 1.
    Locate the wallet you wish to disconnect by tapping the wallet switcher at the top of your home screen (e.g. 'Wallet 01' dropdown).
    Alternatively, you can go to Settings and tap Manage wallets.
  2. 2.
    Tap the ellipsis (3 dots) beside your selected wallet, then tap Connected apps. You should now see all apps that your wallet is connected to.
  3. 3.
    If you wish to disconnect your wallet from all dapps, tap Disconnect all at the bottom of your screen.
  4. 4.
    If you wish to disconnect from a specific dapp, tap the dapp you wish to disconnect from and then tap Disconnect.
    Note: If your wallet is connected to multiple networks on the same dapp (e.g. Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism) you can select any of the connected network options. By tapping Disconnect, you disconnect from all networks for your selected dapp.