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Ethereum Merge, Staking and Trading FAQ
Onchain staking
An overview of eligibility criteria (including geographic restrictions) for Onchain staking can be found here.
Ethereum 2.0 or Eth2, was an upgrade to the Ethereum network. The Ethereum Merge was migrating Ethereum from the previous Proof-of-Work network to a new Proof-of-Stake blockchain, Eth2 aims to increase scalability and reduce energy consumption.
As a Proof-of-Stake blockchain, the Eth2 Beacon Chain is built and secured by the network's validators. To participate as a Beacon Chain validator, you must stake ETH by sending it to a deposit contract on the Ethereum network. When you stake through Kraken, we will credit your account with staked ETH and the applicable staking rewards consistent with our Terms and the rules of the Ethereum network.
Note that due to the the Shapella upgrade ETH2 no longer exists. Any ETH2 on your account was converted to ETH.
Review frequently asked questions within the sections below:


Where can I see updates that Kraken is making as a result of The Merge?
What service disruptions are expected during The Merge? (Trading, funding, etc)
Do I need to do anything to have my ETH transitioned to the Proof Of Stake Chain?
What happens to my staked ETH post-merge? Will this automatically be credited to my account or is there any technical work that needs to be conducted first?
What will happen in the event of an airdrop or a fork and what impact would these events have on margin positions?
2022 Notice regarding the Ethereum Merge


Can I un-stake ETH?
What are the current rewards for staking ETH, what about after The Merge?
What is the Fee for Staking?
Where can I see my ETH staking rewards?
Do I need to be holding ETH in order to stake?
How do I stake ETH?
How long do I have to wait after staking to begin earning rewards?
Do staked ETH rewards compound using the Grow Rewards option?


Can I trade staked ETH?
Can I use staked ETH as collateral for margin trading?
What is the meaning of the ETH, ETH2.S and ETH2 ticker symbols on Kraken?

Derivatives Trading

Will the ETH index for both fixed and perpetual futures continue as the PoS chain?
Will fixed maturity futures be settled to the PoS chain, PoW chain or a combination of both?
Will fixed maturity futures be settled on The Merge date or at the usual settlement date?
How will you handle the ETH perpetual futures contracts? Will you settle it and start a new ETHPoS contract?
Will there be any changes to margin requirements for the currently-listed ETH contracts?
If the ETH PoW airdrop is supported on spot, will this include my Futures balances?
If you have any additional questions, our support specialists are available to assist you.