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How to get verified on Kraken
We're currently facing delays in processing new accounts. Please avoid submitting multiple verification requests. 
This article is for clients using the Kraken interface ( For Kraken Pro users check out this article.
After your account is created, verifying your account will allow funds to be deposited and trades to be made.

To verify your account:

  1. 1.
    Sign in to your Kraken account.
  2. 2.
    Click on the Verify identity button on the home page.
    Consumer web verify identity
  3. 3.
    Enter your details on the Verify your identity form and click continue.
    Note: the verification screen may differ depending on your location. 
    Verify Identity
  4. 4.
    You also may be required to fill out additional information due to regulations in certain locations.
    Additional Information
  5. 5.
    Next you'll need to upload your government identity document. You can choose from the drop-down menu which country your government ID is from. Then select the type of ID you wish to upload.
    If you don't have the document at-hand, you can pause the identification verification at any point and resume by following the same steps as above.
    Verification documents
    ID document
  6. 6.
    Once the document is uploaded, click Continue to return back to the home page of your account.
  7. 7.
    You’ll be notified once the verification is complete.
Note: Due to international and local financial regulations, there are a few geographic restrictions.
Where can I find my transaction limits?
The transaction limits can be located by signing into your account, clicking on the profile menu in the upper right and then selecting Settings. Scroll down to the limits section. If you would like higher limits, click on the get verified link.
Where can I find my verification level?
You can find your verification level from the Settings page on Kraken. To access the settings page, click on the Profile icon on the top right of the page and select Settings. Scroll down to the limits section to view your current verification level and applicable limits.

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