For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

Image requirements for ID documents
We're currently facing delays in processing new accounts. Please avoid submitting multiple verification requests.
Global Settings Lock: If you are having trouble editing your address or uploading documents to your account please try turning off your GSL (Global Settings Lock) and try again.
For Intermediate and Pro level verification, we only accept valid government-issued ID documents.

What is an acceptable ID scan or photo?

Image requirements
Reasons for rejection
✓ Full color image
✘ Image is black & white (or grayscale)
✓ All details on ID are readable
✘ Image has a watermark
✘ Image is blurred
✘ Image has any other obfuscation
✓ ID is well lit
✘ ID details are obscured by light glare or reflections (be careful with flash!)
✓ ID is in good shape
✘ ID is torn, badly damaged or has holes
✓ ID is in upright position
✘ ID is rotated sideways or upside-down
✓ ID occupies most of the image
✘ Too much space around the ID
✓ Background is visible all around the ID by 1-2 cm (1/2"-1")
✘ ID edge is cropped (even if "just a little bit")

How can I take a good scan or photo?

For tips on how to get the scan or photo just right, view our Support article.
You will also need to make sure that your image meets our technical parameters.

Good examples

An ideal image of an ID card
An ideal image of a passport

Unacceptable examples

ID is too blurry
ID edges are not visible
Even a little bit of crop is not OK...
ID is not in color
Background is not contrasting