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Overview of parachain auctions on Kraken
Your Kraken account must be verified to intermediate level to participate in parachain auctions. This service is not available to residents of the US, Canada or Australia at this time.
Parachain slot auctions allow the community to decide which projects to add to the Polkadot and Kusama networks. Learn about parachains, parachain auctions, how they work and much more at the Kraken Learn Center.
View the details of projects currently seeking a place in their respective networks below.
  • This is a list of the projects that Kraken enables its clients to vote for, but is not necessarily the full list of all projects seeking a parachain slot. Kraken does not endorse any current auction participant or past auction winner and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information stated on this page (which is based on information provided by third parties, may be incorrect and is subject to change).
  • The tables below display estimated rewards per 1 DOT / KSM contributed, and each project's anticipated reward distribution schedule. These reward estimates do not include Kraken’s administration fee.

Current DOT auctions
Projects will be added as they are made available to clients on Kraken

Current KSM auctions
Projects will be added as they are made available to clients on Kraken

Past DOT auction winners
Estimated Minimum Reward Rate
Estimated Reward Distribution Schedule
Auction End Date
4.61+ ACA /
20% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~0.922 ACA) 80% unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.038 ACA/week)
102+ ASTR / 1 DOT
10% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~10.2 ASTR) 90% unlocked in regular intervals over 22 months (~4.17 ASTR/month)
3 AVT /
10% of AVT rewards will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~0.3 AVT) 90% of AVT unlocked in regular intervals over 22 months (~ 0.123 AVT/month) 
12+ CFG / 1 DOT
20% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~2.4 CFG) 80% unlocked in regular intervals over 68 weeks (~0.14 CFG/week)
20+ CLV / 1 DOT
28% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~5.6 CLV) 72% unlocked in regular intervals over 23 months (~0.626 CLV/month)
3.28+ LAYR / 1 DOT
25% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~0.82) 75% of LAYR will be unlocked linearly over a 1.5 years (~1.64 LAYR/year)
Crust Network
0.2+ CRU / 1 DOT
CRU rewards will be unlocked upon parachain launch
26+ EFI / 1 DOT
Unlocked in regular intervals over 2 years
200+ EQ / 1 DOT
10% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~20 EQ) 90% unlocked in regular intervals over 2 years
12.5+ HDX / 1 DOT
Unlocked in regular intervals over 2 years
2.5+ TEER /
Unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks
22+ INTR / 1 DOT
30% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~6.6 INTR) 70% unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.160 INTR/week)
2.5+ LIT /
Unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks
4+ GLMR / 1 DOT
30% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~1.2 GLMR) 70% in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.029) GLMR/week)
20+ NODL/ 1 DOT
30% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~6) 70% will be unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.145)
20+ OTP / 1 DOT
25% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~5 OTP) 75% unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.156)
93+ PARA/ 1 DOT
Unlocked in regular intervals over 2 years 
2+ PDEX / 1 DOT
25% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~0.5 PDEX) 75% unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.0156 PDEX)
24+ PHA / 1 DOT
15% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~3.6 PHA) 85% will be unlocked in regular intervals over 96 weeks (~0.2125 PHA/week)
0.1+ KAPEX / 1 DOT
Unlocked in regular intervals over 2 years
5.28+ UNQ / 1 DOT
UNQ rewards will be released in regular intervals over 2 years
Past KSM auction winners
Estimated Minimum Reward Rate
Estimated Reward Distribution Schedule
Auction End Date
400 AIR / 1 KSM
25% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~100 AIR) 75% unlocked in regular intervals within 48 weeks (~6.25 AIR/week)
67,500+ BSX
255 HDX / 1 KSM
BSX unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (​~1,406 BSX/week) HDX lockup period of ~11 months
22 BNC / 1 KSM
50% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~11 BNC) 50% unlocked in regular intervals within 48 weeks (~0.23 BNC/week)
Crust Shadow
1 CRU 1,000 CSM / 1 KSM
30% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~0.3 CRU, ~300 CSM) 10% unlocked every six weeks (~0.0875 CRU, ~87.5 CSM/six weeks)
100 CSM / 1 KSM
CSM rewards will be unlocked in regular intervals over 1 year
2,530+ GENS / 1 KSM
10% GENS will be unlocked upon the parachain launch (~253 GENS) 90% GENS unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (~47.43 GENS/week)
5,000+ GENS / 1 KSM
GENS rewards will be unlocked upon parachain launch
40+ TEER /
Unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks.
23.5+ KAR /
30% KAR will unlocked upon the parachain launch (~7.05 KAR) 70% unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (~0.34 KAR/week)
150+ K-PHA /
34% of rewards will be unlocked upon the parachain launch (~51 K-PHA) 66% unlocked in regular intervals within 48 weeks (~2.06 K-PHA/week)
25+ KILT / 1 KSM
50% KILT will be unlocked upon the parachain launch (~12.5 KILT) 50% unlocked in regular intervals over 24 weeks (~0.52 KILT/week)
3.75+ KINT /1 KSM
30% KINT will be unlocked upon the parachain launch (~1.125 KINT) 70% unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (~0.055 KINT/week)
14.5 MOVR / 1 KSM
30% of the reward will be unlocked upon parachain launch (~4.35 MOVR) 70% unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (~0.21 MOVR/week)
20,000+ PICA
50% unlocked at TGE (~10,000 PICA)
50% unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (~208 PICA/week)
3.5+ XRT/ 1 KSM
Unlocked in regular intervals over 52 weeks
200 SKU /
28% SKU will be unlocked upon the parachain launch (~56 SKU) 72% unlocked in regular intervals over 48 weeks (~3.042 SKU/week)
15+ SDN /
Immediately unlocked 

How parachain auctions work on Kraken

How do I participate in parachain auctions on Kraken?
1. Sign up for a Kraken account and verify your account to Intermediate level or higher. 2. Deposit or purchase Polkadot (DOT) or Kusama (KSM). Unstake your DOT or KSM if you are staking with Kraken. 3. Navigate to EarnParachains.
4. Select the project you would like to support. 5. Enter amount of DOT or KSM to contribute. 6. Select contribute and confirm.
What happens to the DOT or KSM I bond to support a parachain auction bid?
The DOT / KSM you bond to support a parachain auction bid will be locked — unable to be traded, staked or withdrawn — for the duration of the project’s auction campaign (if the project doesn’t win) or the duration of the parachain slot acquired by the project (if the project wins). At the end of the applicable period, the bonded DOT / KSM will be unlocked and Kraken will endeavor to return it to your account as soon as possible.
Projects may establish an auction campaign duration that lasts for one or more sequential auction periods in the event where they lose the first auction(s). Projects that win a Polkadot or Kusama parachain slot at auction acquire that slot for up to 96 or 48 weeks on each network, respectively.
How do the rewards get distributed?
Where possible, rewards will be credited to your Kraken account following receipt by us. They’ll be distributed to you on a pro-rata basis based on:
  1. 1
    The amount of DOT / KSM you bonded through us in the corresponding parachain auction bid versus the total amount of DOT / KSM bonded through us in that parachain auction bid
  2. 2
    The amount of Rewards we receive, which may include any additional Rewards received for referral bonuses, early participation bonuses or other factors.
We will use this pro rata approach to distribution if you instruct us to bond your DOT / KSM in a parachain auction today. Otherwise, it is subject to change.
  • Any tokens you receive as rewards may be subject to certain restrictions, such as temporary restrictions on transferability, which may limit your ability to trade the token, withdraw it from the Kraken platform or to use it for certain functions such as staking (which Kraken may support) or governance (which Kraken does not currently support) until such restrictions expire.
  • Kraken generally has no obligation to facilitate claims of rewards that are not 'native' to the parachain of a winning parachain auction bidder. For example, some projects may distribute rewards in the form of ERC-20 tokens, NFTs, or via some other mechanism, prior to or after winning a parachain slot auction, which Kraken has no obligation to support. However, for rewards that are intended to be redeemable for the native parachain asset after the project wins a slot auction, we may facilitate claims of those rewards earned by clients on a case-by-case basis. In such circumstances, we’ll credit the earned rewards to clients' accounts only after an auction has been won by the project.
What are the fees?
Rewards are subject to an administrative fee upon receipt. Fees differ between networks, slot auction number and contributed amounts, as described below.
Polkadot Parachain Slot Auctions:
  • For all slot auction contributions (including those made during warm-up periods), there is a
    5% fee
    on the project’s token rewards that Kraken claims on your behalf.
  • Contributions to a single parachain project exceeding 1000 DOT will be subject to a
    2% fee
    on the project’s token rewards that Kraken claims on your behalf.
Kusama Parachain Slot Auctions:
  • For slot auctions contributions to slots 1-14, there is a
    10% fee
    on the project’s token rewards that Kraken claims on your behalf.
  • For all auction contributions from Auction 15 (11/15/2021 - 11/22/2021) onwards (including those made during warm-up periods), there is a
    5% fee
    on the project’s token rewards that Kraken claims on your behalf.
  • Contributions to a single parachain project exceeding 100 KSM will be subject to a 2% fee
    on the project’s token rewards that Kraken claims on your behalf.
These fee rates will apply to you if you instruct us to bond your DOT / KSM in a parachain auction today. Otherwise, they are subject to change.
Benefits of participating in parachain auctions through Kraken:
  • Quickly unstake DOT or KSM to participate in an auction.
  • Purchase DOT or KSM and participate within seconds.
  • Be protected with world class security.
  • Fund, trade, stake and participate in parachain auctions all within a single interface.
What are the risks involved in participating in parachain auctions?
Project specific information
  • The data provided in the tables above and in our user interface are based on information obtained from third parties, estimates provided for your convenience and illustrative purposes only, and may be wrong and subject to change at any time. We have no obligation to verify or update the information.
  • Please see our Terms for more details and reach out to each project for any further information.
As described in the “Rewards” section above, Parachain rewards are distributed based on the amount of DOT / KSM contributed to a project’s parachain auction bid, and how much the project team decides to allocate to users as rewards for participating in the auction. It’s important to note that not all rewards are delivered immediately and depending on the project, rewards may be unlocked periodically over time or subject to other restrictions.
Where possible, we will credit all users with their allocated rewards following the end of the auction and receipt of (unlocked) tokens by us. Rewards are distributed relative to the amount of DOT / KSM you have contributed to a project. Some projects may offer “bonus rewards” for contributions made prior to a predetermined date. To the extent credited, these bonus rewards will be distributed evenly to all participants.
If you have other questions about parachain auctions
Refer to our FAQs and do your own research. Parachain auctions are new and unique and present new and unique benefits and risks. You should not participate in parachain auctions if you do not understand how they work.