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Introducing the Kraken OTC Desk

What is the Kraken OTC Desk?

Kraken’s over-the-counter (OTC) desk offers a premium service that allows traders to execute orders off the open Kraken exchange. We offer deeper liquidity for tighter spreads as well as a more private, personalized service for institutional clients and high net-worth individuals needing to fill large orders. Kraken’s OTC desk provides execution and settlement services that are discreet, secure and ultra-competitive.
Eligible clients can trade OTC from Kraken Pro. If you are not an OTC client and would like to trade OTC, click the button below to complete the form:

OTC frequently asked questions

What cryptocurrencies can I trade?
Chat trading: We support trading for all assets listed on Kraken (with some exceptions due to geographic restrictions). Please contact our OTC desk with any trade inquiries.
OTC Derivatives: BTC and ETH are supported for options trading. OTC Derivatives is only available to OTC clients in certain jurisdictions. Geographic restrictions apply.
Request-for-quote (RFQ):
RFQ supports the following quote currencies: AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, USD, USDC and USDT. RFQ supported cryptocurrencies can be found in the table below. Geographic restrictions apply.
Is there a fee?
We do not charge you any fees for our service. The bid or offer price we show is the 'all-inclusive' price.
Am I eligible?
  • Clients must be verified to the Pro level (personal or business) account to conduct OTC transactions.
  • Minimum order size is 100,000 USD equivalent, however exceptions can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
  • As with all Kraken funding methods, the name registered on your bank account has to match the name registered on your Kraken account.
Kraken OTC does not custody assets on behalf of trading counterparties.

What features are available with the OTC?

OTC Portal:
Automated RFQ
You can request live trade quotes, execute orders and settle instantly using our request-for-quote (RFQ) feature in the OTC portal.
Automated settlement
Automated settlement allows you to trade via OTCs request-for-quote (RFQ) system with the balance in your Kraken account. For example, if you accept a quote to buy 10 BTC, our service will automatically debit your account balance for the cost of your trade and credit your account with BTC. You can find this feature on the Kraken OTC interface by selecting the automated settlement option prior to requesting a quote and your trade will be automatically settled to your account using the available balance. For more information on this feature visit our blog.
Access the dashboard for live price charts of your three most-traded coins, to get a view of your trading data (including information on your most-traded coins by volume and year-to-date trading volume), and for a dynamic view of your outstanding exposure.
Trade history
Get detailed transaction information on your OTC spot and options trades instantly, and click into individual trades for a detailed view of your past orders. You can also generate statements straight to your email.
OTC desk:
1-on-1 service
OTC clients get personalized, high-touch service at every step, from initial expert consultation all the way through to trade execution, as well as trade reporting and market insights. We work with you throughout the process to answer all of your questions and build a long-lasting relationship.
Our team of experienced traders are strategically located around the globe and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We can ensure you that you will receive excellent service, prompt settlement, and high levels of professionalism from our entire team.
Settlement flexibility
We also offer flexible settlement to eligible clients which allows you to trade now and settle later (within 24 hours). Whether you are trading blocks of $100,000, €10,000,000 or 2,000 Bitcoin, the Kraken OTC desk will provide you with execution and settlement services that are discreet, secure and ultra-competitive.
Deep liquidity
We offer deeper liquidity and a private, more personalized service to institutions and high net-worth individuals needing to conduct large orders.
OTC derivatives:
Options Trading
Options trading is available to OTC clients in certain jurisdictions, which allows you to trade vanilla puts and calls with standardized expirations, or bespoke contracts with customizable terms such as strike, tenor and settlement. Clients may trade options outright or as combo strategies with netted pricing and collateral requirements. The OTC options desk seeks to provide deep liquidity and personalized service, and there are no fees for options trading.
Structured Products
A variety of structured products are available to OTC clients in certain jurisdictions. These products include total return swaps that are based on rolling call selling, rolling put selling, and basis trading. Additionally we offer principal-protected products which allow you to capture upside exposure while limiting downside. Products can be customized to client preferences with ease of settlement through the OTC desk.
These materials are for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake or hold any cryptoasset or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Some crypto products and markets are unregulated, and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection schemes. The unpredictable nature of the cryptoasset markets can lead to loss of funds. Tax may be payable on any return and/or on any increase in the value of your cryptoassets and you should seek independent advice on your taxation position.