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How to interpret Ledger history fields
Below is an explanation of fields you'll see on the ledgers export csv file.
Transaction ID: Matches the Ledger ID seen on > History > Ledger.
Includes both date & time (in UTC time zone).
If you want to separate date and time, you'll need to use the split tool in your spreadsheet application.
"trade" = non-margin exchange of one currency for another. "margin trade" = profits/loss for a margin trade.
"earn" = relates to all on-chain staking and Opt-In Rewards activities, including allocation, deallocation, rewards, and other transactions. This unified service encompasses both types of staking under a single category.
"rollover" = charge for a margin trade. "deposit" = deposit of funds to your Kraken account (including KFEE credits), including transfers from your Kraken Futures wallet or from a credit/debit card purchase (card purchases show a 'deposit' for the full amount charged to the card, then a 'spend' for the amount spent on the asset after the transaction fee is deducted, and 'receive' for the credit of the asset bought).
"withdrawal" = withdrawal of funds outside of your Kraken account.
"transfer" = credit of supported airdrops and forks (e.g., BCH and XLM), and funds transferred to/from Kraken's OTC desk; including transfers to/from your Kraken Futures wallet. This type also relates to staking activities when paired with staking-related subtypes such as 'spottostaking'.
"adjustment" = conversion of one currency to another outside of trading (e.g. ICN-to-ETH conversion after ICN delisting).
"spend" = shown for transactions made via the Buy Crypto button or new Kraken app, this indicates the amount of the asset being debited from the account "receive" = shown for transactions made via the Buy Crypto button or new Kraken app, this indicates the amount of the asset being credited to the account. "settled" = settling of a margin position on spot.
"staking" = primarily used for staking rewards.
"sale" = this shows only as a filter option when viewing your Ledger history while signed in to your account, it is not shown in history exports. "Sale" is a filter that brings up all "Spend" and "Receive" entries from orders placed via the new Kraken app or Buy Crypto button.
"invite bonus" = credit of rewards from our Kraken app referral program.
Subtypes include specific actions related to staking transactions as well as transfers to and from Kraken Futures
"allocation" = the allocation of assets, indicating the transfer from Spot balance to Earn balance.
"deallocation" = the transfer of allocated assets from the Earn balance back to the Spot balance.
"autoallocate" = automatic allocation to On-Chain Staking or Opt-In Rewards programs through Kraken Rewards.
"reward" = payouts generated from either On-Chain Staking or Opt-In Rewards programs. Typically issued weekly or bi-weekly.
"migration" = the transfer of your staked balance from our legacy staking system to our new staking infrastructure.
This internal upgrade is visible in your ledger as a deduction and subsequent credit of the staked amount, with no impact on your overall portfolio.
"spottostaking" = represents the allocation of base assets for staking with a negative (-) amount showing the transfer out of the spot account.
"stakingfromspot" = represents the allocation credited as staked assets with a positive (+) amount showing the transfer into the staking balance.
"stakingtospot" = represents the deallocation of staked assets with a negative (-) amount showing the transfer out of the staking balance.
"spotfromstaking" = represents the deallocation credited back as base assets with a positive (+) amount showing the transfer into the spot account.
"spottofutures" = transfer from spot to futures.
"spotfromfutures" = transfer from futures to spot.
Asset Class. Value is always "currency". Not a useful field.
The asset of focus in the ledger entry.
Amount debited (-) or credited (+) to that asset's balance.
Fee paid to Kraken (if any) in the asset.
New asset balance after debiting/crediting transaction amount and debiting fee. balance = old_balance +/- amount - fee
Note: Each ledger entry focuses on a change to a particular asset's balance.
So if the asset is BTC (i.e. Bitcoin), the Amount, Fee, and Balance fields will also be denominated in Bitcoin.
Two different assets will never be mixed in a single Ledger entry.