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Viewing your cash deposit and withdrawal limits on Kraken Classic
There are daily and monthly deposit and withdrawal limits depending on currency type (cash or crypto) and your verification level. Deposit and withdrawal limits are a required part of our regulatory compliance measures.
To check your current deposit or withdrawal limits, simply navigate to the Funding tab and your Funding Limits will be displayed at the top of the page. You can switch between Cash and Crypto limits.
How Limits Work
The daily limit works on a 24-hour sliding window, while the monthly limit works on a 30-day sliding window. What that means is that you have to wait 24 hours for the daily limit to reset and 30 days for the monthly limit to reset. 
Example: Your daily deposit limit is 100,000 USD. Today at two o’clock in the afternoon you were credited a 100,000 USD deposit. Your daily deposit limit is therefore used up for the next 24 hours. That means that you will only be able to deposit cash again at two o’clock the in the afternoon the next day. The 30-day sliding window works in the same manner.
The decimal and thousands separators shown in this article may differ from the formats displayed on our trading platforms. Review our article on how we use points and commas for more information.