For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

Supported currencies and payment methods for German clients
In Germany you can use a payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay to purchase cryptocurrencies on Kraken. The default payment currency is EUR. View the payment methods available to German clients below.
Processing fees
Fees for buying, selling, or converting assets using Instant Buy/Sell Services, which include custom orders and recurring transactions, consist of a displayed fee and, where applicable, a spread which is included in the price. Fees may differ depending on the selected payment method (e.g. account balance, card). Spreads may be determined based on a combination of factors, including market conditions, asset, order size, type of trade, and trading and custodial activity.
Card Payments (Visa and Mastercard)
Apple Pay and Google Pay*
Processing currency
Minimum purchase amount
Payment limits per 7 days

Kraken Pay

Kraken Pay is not available for clients residing in Germany.