En raison d’une demande accrue, la vérification de compte peut être retardée. Veuillez éviter d’envoyer plusieurs demandes, et pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats, vérifiez au préalable nos pré-requis concernant les documents.
- Deposit options (fees, minimums and processing times)
- How do I deposit my local currency?
- Asset Support for German Clients
- Deposit requirements and checklist
- How to deposit EUR with PayPal
- Withdrawal options (fees, minimums and processing times)
- How to withdraw funds from your account
- Proof of source of funds (POSOF)
- Cryptocurrency deposit fees and minimums for German clients
- Cryptocurrency deposit processing times for German clients
- Overview of cryptocurrency minimums for German clients
- Supported address formats for cryptocurrency withdrawal for German clients
- Deposit limits for German clients with a personal account