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Notice of asset delisting for FTM on margin

Here is what you need to know:

  • Jan 8th 12:00 UTC: FTM/USD and FTM/EUR will be set to reduce only.
  • Jan 8th 12:00 UTC: FTM collateral haircut will increase from 30% to 50%.
  • Jan 10th 12:00 UTC: FTM collateral haircut will increase from 50% to 80%.
  • Jan 13th 12:00 UTC: All open margin positions on FTM/USD and FTM/EUR will be force closed.
  • Jan 13th 12:00 UTC: FTM collateral haircut will increase from 80% to 100%. Disabling FTM as a margin collateral currency.
Availability of margin trading services is subject to certain limitations and eligibility criteria. Trading using margin involves an element of risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Read Kraken's Margin Disclosure Statement to learn more.
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