For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

Notice of asset delisting for WAVES
Here is what you need to know:
  • On June 21st, 2024: WAVES/USD and WAVES/EUR margin markets were set to Reduce Only mode.
  • On July 4th, 2024, at approximately 12 PM UTC: Any remaining open WAVES margin positions were force closed.
  • On July 8th, 2024, at approximately 12 PM UTC: Kraken ceased support for WAVES. The following pairs (WAVES/USD, WAVES/EUR, WAVES/BTC, and WAVES/ETH) were moved to Cancel Only mode, and all open orders were canceled. At that point, all WAVES deposits were blocked.
  • Users were able to withdraw their WAVES assets from the platform until October 7th, 2024, at 12 PM UTC, at which point any remaining WAVES were converted to BTC.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.