For information on changes for our US clients, please visit our Support Center article.

What are the possible trading modes?
Our trading engine employs a number of trading modes to assist clients with managing their API connectivity and pending (open) orders during scheduled maintenance and unforeseen service downtime.
The trading modes indicate the type of orders that can/cannot be placed, whether pending (open) orders can be cancelled and whether any order matching (trades) can occur.
Any change to the current trading mode will be provided via the REST SystemStatus endpoint, the WebSocket v1 systemStatus messages, WebSocket v2 status messages, and the status API.
Outside of the APIs, the current trading mode may also be published via our status page, indicated on the trading pages of the and via the Kraken Pro mobile app.

Trading modes
Markets are operating normally. All order types may be submitted and order matching (trades) can occur.
Markets are offline for scheduled maintenance. New orders cannot be placed and existing orders cannot be cancelled. No order matching (trades) will occur.
Cancel Only
Pending (open) orders can be cancelled but new orders cannot be placed. No order matching (trades) will occur.
Post Only
Only limit orders using the post only option can be submitted. Pending (open) orders can be cancelled. No order matching (trades) will occur.
Limit Only
Only limit orders can be submitted. Market orders will be rejected. Pending (open) orders can be cancelled. No order matching (trades) will occur.


Using our REST API command line client, the following shows how the REST SystemStatus endpoint would return the current trading mode in both online mode and maintenance mode:
$ ./krakenapi SystemStatus
$ ./krakenapi SystemStatus