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Trading rate limits
Our REST and WebSocket APIs use trading rate limits to protect the APIs against malicious usage, and to protect our markets against order book manipulation.
Our trading rate limits are designed to keep our markets fair for all market participants, while providing the resources needed by different types of traders (investors, active traders, automated trading bots, and so on).
Most traders will never encounter the trading rate limits, but for those that are placing/cancelling orders at higher than usual frequencies or placing/cancelling higher numbers of orders, the rate limits might be reached resulting in an EOrder:Rate limit exceeded error.
Note that the trading rate limits apply separately per currency pair, so reaching the rate limits for one currency pair (XBT/USD for example) does not affect trading on any other currency pair (LTC/EUR for example).
Rate Limit Basic
Rate Limit Details (Advanced)
Chronological Example
Rate Limit Calculator (Google Sheet)
Further Questions
Rate limits are one of several tools Kraken uses to improve platform security and availability for all clients. Few clients should encounter rate limiting problems. If you receive rate limit errors, please first ensure that your software is operating correctly. If your trading frequency requires a rate limiting exception, Kraken can evaluate clients on a case-by-case basis to ensure that an exception will not pose platform security or availability risks. Contact your Account Manager or reach out to our API support team with any questions or to request an evaluation.