This article is for clients using the Kraken Pro interface. (
While Kraken is not planning to support future parachain launches on the Polkadot and Kusama networks, it is still quick and easy to find your previous contributions and balances on Kraken Pro.
To view Parachain balances:
- 1Sign in to your Kraken account on Kraken Pro.
- 2Click Portfolio in the upper left corner, and then click on the Parachain tab.
- 3Once on the Parachain tab, you will be presented with a summary view of your Parachain wallets, and overall Parachain balance.You can also view Parachain balances in the Overview tab of the Portfolio page. Under the portfolio line chart, click the Parachain auctions section to get an overview of your Parachain balances.Note: The ticker notation for parachain assets includes the suffix “.P” (Ex. DOT.P, KSM.P)