What is a Stamp Duty?
Are there Stamp Duties in Italy?
How does the Italian Stamp Duty relate to crypto?
What does this mean for me?
What do I need to do?
What if on December 31 I have insufficient EUR to pay the Stamp Duty?
How will the exact amount be calculated and withheld?
What happens next?
Frequently asked questions
About the Stamp Tax
Who is subject to the Stamp Duty?
What if I no longer live in Italy?
Are other crypto asset service providers withholding the Stamp Duty?
How often do I have to pay the Stamp Duty?
About the calculation and the withholding
Can I elect out of the withholding?
What is the rate used to determine the Stamp Duty?
Is there a cap to the Stamp Duty?
What if the Stamp Duty Amount is Calculated Incorrectly?
Paying the Stamp Duty
Can I sell certain crypto-assets to pay for the Stamp Duty?
I only have crypto assets in my account and I do not want to sell any of my crypto, can I transfer EUR to my account to pay the Stamp Tax?
Concerning the locking funds in the amount of the stamp tax
Will the withdrawal restrictions/hold prevent me from trading?
Will the withdrawal restriction prevent me from performing a withdrawal?
Where can I see any amounts that have been placed on hold?
When will any holds on my account for the Stamp Duty be lifted?
Supporting documents
Where can I see the details of the Fair Market Value of my account as of December 31st and the details and calculations of the Stamp Duty?
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