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Show or hide tokens based on reputation
In an effort to help users better understand the tokens in their wallet and make more informed decisions, Kraken Wallet has implemented a token reputation system.

What is token reputation?

Kraken Wallet use public lists (e.g., Token Lists), open source lists (e.g., DappRadar), and private lists to determine the reputation of an asset as Listed, Not listed or Likely spam.
  • Listed: means that an asset has been listed by a project (e.g., Uniswap list).
  • Not listed: means that an asset has not been classified as likely spam and is also not listed by one of the projects.
  • Likely spam: indicates that an asset was either found on the DappRadar open source blacklist, or that something in the contract has been flagged as potentially harmful. This does not mean that the asset is provably spam/malicious, however, you should exercise extreme caution.
The default setting for your Kraken Wallet is to show Not listed assets and to hide Likely spam assets. You can change these settings at any time.
Can I trust the assigned token reputation?
Can I change the reputation of a token or report/request a change from the Kraken Wallet team from within the app?
Which public token lists does Kraken use?

How to show or hide tokens based on reputation:

  1. 1.
    Tap on the Manage button across from the Assets label on the main view (home screen).
    Manage Asset
  2. 2.
    Then tap on the filter icon to reveal the Show assets modal where Not listed and/or Likely spam assets can be toggled on and off.
  3. 3.
    Switching the toggle off will hide the applicable tokens from the home screen and your Manage asset view. Switching the toggle on will display the applicable tokens on your home screen and Manage asset view.