How to contact Kraken Wallet's official support team:
We strive to provide comprehensive support to address any concerns or inquiries you may have. Below, you'll find information on how to connect with us through various channels.
Important: All support and communications related to Kraken Wallet will be conducted via Kraken's official channels. Kraken Wallet does not have any separate communication channels, including social media profiles.
Kraken Wallet support will never ask you for your Secret Recovery Phrase, password, or other sensitive information that can be used to access your device or Kraken Wallet app.
If anyone asks you for Secret Recovery Phrase, you should assume they are trying to scam you.
Kraken Wallet's support team will never contact you on social media or initiate a phone call or text message.
Support articles
Kraken Wallet Support Team
Kraken Wallet communication channels:
- •Email: Emails from Kraken will always have the domain name at the end of them. This includes sub-domains such as
- •Importantly, all official communications for Kraken Wallet will be conducted via Kraken's official channels.
If you see or receive any communications from an account that claims to be Kraken Wallet, or from an individual that claims to be a Kraken Wallet Support represenative, you should assume this is a scam. This includes but is not limited to: social media profiles, unofficial websites or blogs, unofficial email accounts, and phone calls or text messages.
Please be aware that Kraken Wallet does not have any Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media account.
For information on Kraken's official communication channels, please refer to the following guides: