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How to buy and sell NFTs on Kraken
Trade holds
Purchasing cryptocurrencies with our Instant Buy feature, or depositing cash via ACH Plaid or Paypal, will trigger a trade hold on your account. This will temporarily prevent NFT trade activity (purchases, sales and offers) for enhanced security.

Buying and selling an NFT on Kraken

Before you can start buying and selling, you'll need to deposit funds into your Kraken account. You can make an offer to buy an NFT with any currency supported on Kraken. However, only the currency in which the NFT is listed for sale can be used for purchasing at the buy now price.
Buy an NFT using the "Buy now" button
To buy an NFT using the Buy now button follow the steps below:
  1. 1
    Sign in to your Kraken account and navigate to the NFTs tab.
  2. 2
    Explore the marketplace, search for collections, creators or NFTs.
  3. 3
    Click an NFT that you would like to buy. On the right-hand side click Buy now. If there is no Buy now button the item is not for sale. You can still make an offer.
    The small window that opens indicates the currency and price of the NFT and your balance.
  4. 4
    Press Continue to view the purchase summary. Depending on where the NFT is located there may or may not be a processing time. If an NFT is located outside of Kraken, the processing time will generally take 5 to 10 minutes depending on how busy the blockchain is.
  5. 5
    Enter “CONFIRM” and click the Confirm button. A green ribbon will confirm your purchase and your NFT should now show up in your collection depending on processing time. You will also receive an email confirmation.
  6. 6
    Click on My NFTs to verify that the NFT is in your holdings.
    If the item is not for sale or you believe that its price is too high, you can choose to make an offer to try negotiating with the seller.
Buy an NFT using the "Make an offer" button
To buy an NFT using the Make an offer button follow the steps below. You can make an offer to buy an NFT with any currency supported on kraken.
  1. 1
    Sign in to your Kraken account and navigate to the NFTs tab.
  2. 2
    Explore the marketplace, search for collections, creators or NFTs.
  3. 3
    Click an NFT that you would like to buy and on the right-hand side click Make an offer.
  4. 4
    In the popup, choose the currency in which you want to make your offer from the Pay with field, and enter the amount offered in the Offer field. You can also select when your offer will expire at the bottom of the window under Offer expires in.
  5. 5
    Click Continue to view a summary of your offer.
  6. 6
    Type in “CONFIRM” and click the Confirm button.
  7. 7
    If your offer is the highest offer it should appear above the image of the NFT.
  8. 8
    If your offer is accepted the NFT will appear in the My NFTs tab and you will receive an email notification.
Selling an NFT
To sell on NFT on Kraken follow the steps below: 
  1. 1
    Navigate to My NFTs.
  2. 2
    Hover over the NFT of interest and click the Sell button.
  3. 3
    You can also click View details and click Sell on the right side of the screen. The View details button allows you to see the provenance of the NFT as well as its attributes and offer history.
  4. 4
    Select the currency in which you want to price the NFT in the Paymentin dropdown.
  5. 5
    Enter the price of the NFT in the Sellfor field
  6. 6
    Indicate when you want the sale offer to become available to the public in the ScheduledIn field. The default is immediate, but you could also choose to let the offer go live in two days, for example.
  7. 7
    Indicate when you want the sale offer to end in the Expires On field. If the deadline is reached and the NFT has not been sold, the sale offer will be canceled and a new sale offer must be created.
  8. 8
    Enter “CONFIRM” and click Sell to confirm the creation of the sale offer.