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Parachain auctions FAQ
Your Kraken account must be verified to intermediate level to participate in parachain auctions. This service is not available to residents of the US, Canada or Australia at this time.
How is a winner of the parachain auction determined?
Where and when can I find out if Kraken will be including a particular project in an upcoming parachain auction?
What happens to my DOT or KSM if the project I support wins a parachain auction?
What happens to my DOT or KSM if the project I support loses the parachain auction? 
Can I unbond my DOT or KSM before a parachain auction has ended?
Can I cancel or edit the amount of DOT or KSM I contribute to a parachain auction?
What happens if the value of DOT or KSM decreases or increases while locked in an auction?
How much of the token will I get if the project I support wins? When will I get the tokens?
When will trading for project tokens start?
Will I be able to withdraw my rewarded project tokens?
Will I be able to stake* parachain project tokens on Kraken?
Can I deposit DOT and KSM now?
Can I use my staked DOT or KSM to participate in a parachain slot auction?
I don’t have any DOT or KSM - how can I participate?
*An overview of eligibility criteria (including geographic restrictions) for On-chain staking can be found here.